If you were hoping for titillation, then you will be disappointed here.

I have grown up in a clothing-optional environment.  As a child, my mom would often send me and my brothers outside to play in the rain nude.  We invented the "Slip-N-Slide" long before Hasbro when we discovered how far you can slide in a good old fashioned mud puddle.  And when we came in, all that we needed was a hose and a towel.

I am nude when able and clothed when necessary.  Our laundry loads consist of my wife's work clothes and a few of my butt towels. (Nudists always sit on a towel).  I am retired and enjoying it and my wife is counting the days until she retires.

We were members of Lupin Lodge in Los Gatos, California for almost 20 years until my wife's job had us moving to the Boston area.  I miss being 15-minutes from a nudist resort, hot tub, pool and a pretty-good good restaurant.  Where we live the only nudist venues "near" us are a two-hour's drive.  Each way.  And those wusses are closed six months of the year.

So, why am I nude?
1) It's comfortable
2) It's ecological.  No clothes means less laundry loads.
3) It builds confidence.  Anyone who thinks that nudists are gorgeous hunks and centerfolds has never been to a nudist resort.  Most are overweight, generally older, and far, far from what many consider attractive.  But we have met the most honest, genuine people at the resorts.
4) Most activities do not require clothes.  Especially swimming.  I've been water skiing on the Sacrament Delta while nude, participated in a beach cleanup while nude, Hiked while nude, and even cook while nude (carefully).  Really, why wear anything when the situation does not require clothes?
5) What's the mystery?  When naked you can't tell who is the millionaire from the Department Store clerk.  We all look alike.
6) I travel light.  If we are going to a nudist venue, we can pack everything we need for a few days or a week in a single backpack.
7) It's who I am. I am not an exhibitionist. 
8) Naked is normal.  Ask any mom who's 4-year old just can't keep their clothes on.  You only grew up being told that being naked is wrong, but you were never told why.  You probably can't tell me why now, either.


I Since we moved to Massachusetts ten years ago, we have met few naturists.  The clubs we have visited have been a disappointment, and remarkably unfriendly.  At the last club we visited, we were invisible.  After the obligatory tour of the cabins for sale, we were dropped off at the pool.  Not a single one of the members ever bothered to say "hello".  The only conversation was in the hot tub where a single male extolled how horrible the other clubs in the region were.

No wonder clubs are worried about falling memberships.

Am I alone with this thought?  Let's chat about it. Send me an email: nudist@naturist.com

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